About Us

Meet Madglove, an innovative medical startup that has established a robust network comprising rehabilitation clinics, physiotherapists, orthotic makers, esteemed scientists and seasoned entrepreneurs.

At Madglove, we create innovative rehabilitation glove to support hand rehabilitation through our commitment to improving daily living for poeple with hand disabilities. 

Our Company

Our Core Values

Passion ⚬ Community ⚬ Integrity ⚬ Diversity ⚬ Inclusion ⚬ Meaningful work

 At Madglove we are dedicated to more than just producing rehabilitation glove. Our goal is to foster independence and elevate the quality of life, making a meaningful impact.

Our Mission

To help make disability simply another aspect of diversity through our simple, easy-to-use rehabilitation glove that empowers patients in actively participating in their own recovery journey. 

Our Team

Madalina Riurean

Madalina Riurean

Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Human movement scientist (M.Sc.) and physiotherapist (B.Sc.) with experience in spinal cord injuries and stroke

Tobi Makinde

Tobi Makinde

Co-Founder & Chief Operations Officer

Human movement scientist (M.Sc.) with a strong background in rehabilitation sciences (M.Sc.) and experience in stroke

Sitah Heijnen

Sitah Heijnen

Co-Founder and Quality Assessment

Industrial Design Engineer (B.Sc.) with a strong background in marketing (M.A.)

Cara Knott

Cara Knott

Advising co-founder

Human movement scientist (M.Sc.) with a background in biology (B.Sc.) and experience in motor control

David Gotti

David Gotti

Advising Co-founder

Human movement scientist (M.Sc.) with a strong background in management (M.A.) and digital marketing

Dr. Marc van der Schee

Dr. Marc van der Schee

Non-Executive Director

Biotech valorisation & market-entry; Owner and Founder at COMDI; Business Strategy Consultant.

Our Mentors

Dr. John van der Kamp

Dr. John van der Kamp

Associate Professor, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, VU University Amsterdam

    Dr. Paulien Goossens

    Dr. Paulien Goossens

    Medical doctor and director of Mereem Medische Revalidatie, Amsterdam

    Discover Madglove’s mission and learn more about our rehabilitation glove.

    Our Story

    Life Changing: From Romania To Amsterdam

    In Romania, Madalina took on the challenge of creating the initial prototypes of the glove using her creativity, a 3D printer, and a whole lot of glue. These early designs underwent testing on 20 stroke patients, to assess whether hand dexterity can be improved with such a tool. The results were promising and more importantly, Madalina had the opportunity to gather their valuable feedback and uncover the unmet needs in the field of rehabilitation, particularly in a country like Romania. This experience fueled her determination to delve deeper into this path and brought her to Amsterdam, where her ideas could take shape.

    During her studies at VU Amsterdam, Madalina crossed paths with her future co-founders: Cara, Tobi, David, and Sitah. It was here that the foundation for Madglove was laid, driven by our shared passion to bridge the gap between scientific advancements and practical application, with the ultimate goal of improving lives. With each member coming from different countries, we united under a common mission. What started as an idea soon transformed into a passion project and eventually blossomed into the thriving start-up that it is today. The team is exhilarated to embark on this “mad” adventure, eager to make a lasting impact and create transformative solutions for those in need.”

    Our Milestones

    • PHIA Q1 2024
      Semi-finalists at the Philips Innovation Awards
    • NWO Feasibility Q4 2023
      Completing NWO feasibility study, testing the prototype with end-users and clinics
    • AMSIA Q4 2023
      Finalist at Amsterdam Science and Innovation Awards 2023
    • INH Funding Q4 2023
      Pre-Seed funding of €300K from Innovatiefonds Noord-Holland)
    • Stage Two Q4 2023
      Finalists at Stage Two Berlin 2023
    • Pitch XL Q2 2023
      Pitch XL runner-up start-up with a fully paid trip to Silicon Valley
    • NWO Feasability Q1 2023
      Awarded €40k NWO Feasibility in collaboration with Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
    • Social Startup Award Q1 2022
      Winner of the Best Social Entrepreneurship Startup Award
    • D-Lab Amsterdam 2021
      Acceptance into the Demonstrator-Lab in Amsterdam
    • PHIA Q1 2024
      Semi-finalists at the Phillips Innovation Awards
    • NWO Feasibility Q4 2023
      Completing NWO feasibility study, testing the prototype with end-users and clinics
    • AMSIA Q4 2023
      Finalist at Amsterdam Science and Innovation Awards 2023
    • INH Funding Q4 2023
      Pre-Seed funding of €300K from Innovatiefonds Noord-Holland)
    • Stage Two Q4 2023
      Finalists at Stage Two Berlin 2023
    • Pitch XL Q2 2023
      Pitch XL runner-up start-up with a fully paid trip to Silicon Valley
    • NWO Feasability Q1 2023
      Awarded €40k NWO Feasibility in collaboration with Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
    • Social Startup Award Q1 2022
      Winner of the Best Social Entrepreneurship Startup Award
    • D-Lab Amsterdam 2021
      Acceptance into the Demonstrator-Lab in Amsterdam