Supporting Hand Rehabilitation and Making Life Impact – Real Stories from Madglove Users

Glove user with the glove on, happy to see that it helps with hand rehabilitation

In our mission to create the perfect glove for individuals with hand disabilities, we understand that “one size fits all” simply doesn’t apply. Every individual has unique needs, and when it comes to catering to the diverse spectrum of hand disabilities, customization is key! One significant aspect we’ve focused on in our glove design is addressing the varying levels of spasticity, a common challenge for many users. In this blog post, we’ll explore how our glove design incorporates customizable features to accommodate the different levels of spasticity, ensuring that each user gets the tailored support they require.

Understanding Spasticity: Before we started designing it was essential to understand what spasticity is and how it affects individuals with hand disabilities. Within our team, there are years of experience and knowledge about hand disability. Spasticity refers to the increased muscle tone and stiffness experienced by many people with neurological conditions such as cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis or stroke. It can range from mild to severe and can make fine motor tasks, like gripping or manipulating objects, incredibly challenging. Our goal is to create a glove that eases these challenges, regardless of the level of spasticity a user may have. (if you want to know more, go to the blogpost about “what is spasticity”).

Customizable Materials and Tension: One of the key elements of our glove design is the use of customizable materials and tension points. We’ve developed a modular glove design with variants of parts that offer different levels of support and compression. Users with mild spasticity may opt for a glove with less tension, allowing them more flexibility and freedom of movement. Those with more severe spasticity can choose a glove with higher tension to provide them with the support they need to perform tasks with greater ease. This tailored approach ensures that our glove can be adapted to meet the specific requirements of each user!

Adaptive Strapping and Fasteners: The fastening mechanism of the glove is another area where customization comes into play. We’ve designed our gloves with adjustable strapping and fasteners that can be modified to suit the user’s comfort and dexterity. This means that individuals with limited hand mobility due to spasticity can adjust the glove to a snug fit without struggling with complex closures. These adaptive strapping and fastening solutions make the glove accessible and user-friendly for all.

Individualized Ergonomics: No two hands are exactly alike, and this is especially true for individuals with hand disabilities. Our glove design incorporates individualized ergonomics that allow for unique hand shape accommodations. Users can choose glove sizes that best fit their hands, ensuring a secure and comfortable fit that maximizes the effectiveness of the glove’s support.

To wrap this all up; In our quest to create the perfect glove for individuals with hand disabilities, customization plays a pivotal role. We understand that no two users are the same, and addressing the diverse levels of spasticity is just one aspect of our customization efforts. By offering customizable materials, tension, adaptive strapping, fasteners, and individualized ergonomics, we’re dedicated to providing a glove that truly meets the unique needs of our users. We invite you to join our journey, provide feedback, and help us make the world a more inclusive place for individuals with hand disabilities.

Together, we can make a difference!

Until next time!

Kind regards,


The Journey to Independence – A New Path of Hand Rehabilitation

Why a hand rehabilitation tool, you might ask? It is estimated that one in four people will experience a stroke in their lifetime, with the likelihood of occurrence only rising. The consequences of a stroke often affect hand mobility, reducing the ability to perform even the simplest daily tasks and consequently decreasing independence that is crucial for everyday life.

Despite the increasing prevalence of strokes, the rehabilitation process and its efficiency remain stagnant. Taking this into account, our CEO Madalina, along with co-founders Cara, Tobi, David, and Sitah, decided to dedicate their knowledge and previous scientific experience to create Madglove—a simple, easy-to-use rehabilitation glove that empowers patients to actively participate in their own rehabilitation journey.

 Independence has always been a key motivation for us. Our goal was to create a tool that is simple and easy to use on its own, without any external help, fostering independence while supporting and improving hand mobility through seamless integration into daily life. Our rehabilitation glove helps users regain the ability to perform daily tasks without needing extra support from loved ones or caretakers, allowing them to bring back life fulfillment by returning to their passions and hobbies.

Glove user playing the guitar with disabled hand with a glove on.

Enhancing Life Quality, Transforming Daily Lives, and Taking Charge of Your Own Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation is not just about supporting hand mobility; it’s about transforming the quality of life. It’s about people and the impact we can make through our work. This focus has always been, and will continue to be, our driving force at Madglove.


The stories of our glove testers encourage us every day. Seeing the changes and improvements in their quality of life, alongside the usual consequences of rehabilitation, and witnessing the true, valuable reactions of our users are irreplaceable experiences. For instance, enabling one of our testers to return to his passion—playing guitar—was such an honor for us. You can witness his journey yourself in this video. See our glove in action 

One heartwarming testimonial we received after a testing session exemplifies the impact we strive for: “At Madglove, I felt welcomed, I felt free, and I felt good. While wearing the glove, I could pick up things which I couldn’t do for the last 12/13 years. It works! I thought it couldn’t be true, but it is! I am happy! The glove can support me. I think the glove can increase my quality of life.” She even mentioned that after the session, she almost cried because of the experience. You can listen to the full testimonial here!

These stories lie at the core of Madglove—people, their lives, and their stories. There is no better feeling for us, the Madglove team, than hearing such encouraging words and knowing we can actually impact individuals’ lives and help them in their journey toward independence and a fulfilling life.

However, the work we do would not be possible without our incredible community and partners, to whom we are immensely grateful. Together, we can create change and strive every day towards our mission: to make disability just another aspect of diversity and support daily independence for a better, more joyful life.


At Madglove,, we are dedicated to transforming the lives of individuals with disabilities through innovative rehabilitation solutions. Our core values—empowerment, independence, and quality of life—drive us to co-create with our users and prioritize their needs. The stories of our users inspire us daily and affirm the impact of our work.

We are grateful for the support of our community as we continue our mission to redefine disability and promote independence. By embracing diversity and focusing on the individual, we strive to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to live a fulfilled and joyful life.

Madglove is more than just a rehabilitation tool; it is a beacon of hope and empowerment. Our journey is driven by the belief that every individual deserves the chance to improve their daily independence and enjoy a high quality of life. Join us in our mission to make a lasting impact and transform lives, one glove at a time.


Our team members with glove tester