A New Beginning: Our Move to Starthub at Vrije Universiteit Campus

A New Beginning: Our Move to Starthub at Vrije Universiteit Campus

Hi, Sitah here with a new Madglove blog-update! Change whispers of new adventures, and our new adventure begins as we bid farewell to our corner in the W&N Building. A sense of curiosity pulls us towards the Starthub at Vrije Universiteit—a place buzzing with excitement and possibility. Here, amidst the buzz of innovation, I find myself immersed in a world where collaboration is key and creativity thrives. Join me as we unravel this exciting journey, discovering how our passion for wearable technology flourishes in this dynamic new setting.

Change is a constant in our journey and it often brings new opportunities. For us, the Madglove team, this truth is evident as we step into a fresh chapter. From our old spot in the W&N Building at Vrije Universiteit to the lively setting of the VU Starthub, this transition signifies growth, opportunity and the promise of innovation.

The move to VU Starthub isn’t just about changing locations (as it is just +/-100 meters difference); it’s about our increase in independence and a new way of engaging more in collaboration and creativity with likeminded people. The StartHub nestled in the heart of the Vrije Universiteit campus is a hub for startups and innovators like us. Here, we find a supportive community, resources and endless opportunities for growth.

As we settle into our new home, our passion for innovation remains strong. Every day brings us closer to our goal of bringing our wearable technology to the market and with that product improving lives.

While we’re excited about our new workspace, we cherish the memories and lessons learned in the W&N Building and the D-lab. It was there that we laid the foundation for everything we have been doing up until this moment and built strong bonds as a team.

Here’s to new beginnings, embracing change and our ongoing pursuit of innovation. The future is bright and we’re excited to see what lies ahead.