Helping People Get A Grasp On Hand Disability.

With our elegant, easily usable, adjustable and accessible glove

An adaptable rehabilitation Glove.

Prototype Reviews

I practice playing guitar everyday now […] I am back doing something I love.

Watch the full video here.

Glove User

,,(At Madglove) I felt welcomed, I felt free and I felt good. (While wearing a glove)I could pick up things which I couldn’t do for the last 12/13 years. It works! (I thought) it can’t be true, but it is! I am happy! (The glove) can support me. I think the glove can increase my life quality.’’



Glove User

My partner can now use their hand to open the door […] it makes life easier.



,, Come on and try! If You don’t try you don’t know. If it doesn’t work for you well it’s a pity but then you have tried and experienced.       But I think it would work’’. (After testing session) when we went home, in the car I almost cried.           Well, it was worth it!’’



Glove User

After my patient wore the glove at home for 2 weeks, his fingers opened up more and we were able to finally train his hand in the clinic.


 ,,The Madglove is designed to significantly assist people with ABI in their activities of daily living. While I haven’t seen in it practice with patients (yet) I believe that this glove can make a valuable contribution in supporting users making their hand more functional in ADL skills and thereby improving their independence.”

Lucas Koeste, Practice DEEN

,,After the first tryl I already felt the difference [..] It really helped me.

I have a lot of spasticity in my hand and the glove help my hand to open up. If I had it I would use it every day’’

Glove User

[Paraphrase] – When wearing a glove I don’t need any machine to move my hand and pick up things. I do not have any external help. Everything I do is by myself and it’s motivating and important to me.

Glove User

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Experts in our own rights brought together by a shared mission.

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